Hello, 2021!
Hello, 2021!
Good Morning!
Are you asking how we are?
We are doing great.
Last year also you when you came you brought us a bagful of miseries.
You did not even let us breathe freely.
You even deprived us of holding the hands of our loved ones.
It seems for a moment you took our power away and made us feel weak.
But, this time we are resolute, we have figured out not to bow down.
Morning shows the day, as they say!
The first morning, we are setting our intentions clear.
Come what may, what you bring with you we are not going be your pawns.
When the intension are clear and earnest people have always figured out the way.
Friends, I am sure all of you have made that promise to yourself that 2021 would be made better, bigger, and prosperous.
Enliven the moment.
Happy new year!