Greta Thunberg must be happy!
Greta Thunberg must be happy!
And why not?
We all are.
Joe Biden had pledged to rejoin Paris Agreement.
It was surprising to see how President Trump was in such a blatant denial of one of the most pressing problems of the 21st Century.
We have seen how mother nature is revolting.
Wild Fires across the globe ravaging the greens.
Oceans today probably have more plastics than fish.
The envelope of thick smog over the skies.
Flash floods.
More Kids on nebulizers.
Developed countries screwed the climate in the past and now all countries are facing the brunt.
Today Oil-producing countries are the worst emitters.
E.g. In 2017 Qatar emitted 49T per person,Trinidad & Tobago (30T);Kuwait (25T).
Australia emitted 17 T per person, the US at 16.2 T, and Canada at 15.6 T.
Whereas the Global Average was 4.8T.
You can see the stark differences.
“Polluters must pay” is the most accepted norm in-laws across countries.
Why the same principle can’t be adopted globally?
The burden of controlling emissions can’t be passed on equally to the countries like India who has to catch the missed opportunity of development.
India is already committed and the only G20 country that is likely to meet the 2 Degree C compatibility target.
We have a billion mouths to feed.
Hope, now there will be renewed, decisive and equitable efforts going forward by all Nations.
Similarly, all bad habits are rewarding in short term and punishing in the longer run.
Getting up early going jogging is punishing in the short term, rewarding in long term.
Oversleeping in the morning is pleasurable in the short term and punishing in the long run.
Working for delayed gratification is not natural human behavior.
Our primal behavior is to get instant gratification.
We eat food, the hunger is satiated.
We drink water our thrust is quenched.
Our forefathers during the stone age or gatherer days hunted, and ate.
They were happy living meal by meal.
They did not do stuff that delayed gratification.
Delayed gratification is a couple of century-old phenomenon only.
It is true.
I can relate so well.
I used to smoke since my engineering days.
I do not know why I picked the habit.
Obviously not to get addicted but probably to look cool or for social approval initially, because some of my cool friends used to smoke.
So my habit of smoking became part of my identity of trying to be cool and it was difficult to stop.
Many years later I cut down smoking and I was rarely smoking.
Once I was frisked in the airport and the CISF guy asked “ Are you carrying any Match Box or Lighter ?”
I promptly said I do not smoke and I felt good saying that.
I was surprised at my own answer.
I did not stop smoking still completely.
Then why did I feel good saying that I do not smoke?
Maybe I was trying to form a new identity of one who is mindful of health rather than being cool. ( later on, it actually became an addiction.)
Today most of my friends quit smoking, some of them have started running full marathons.
So the moment, a new identity of the runner was formed, smoking was a non-congruent act with that identity and hence it was easier to stop.
So, If I have to lose weight I create the identity of being fit and healthy and once that is there every I see chocolate my new identity will dissuade me to have it.
Read the book, whole science habit is there, it may create a very positive impact on you.