Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Very few people talk about this…..
Even the people who are supposed to handle this become conspicuously silent most of the time.
We all are talking about mental health today. Thanks to COVID, the much neglected important issue is getting some due attention now.
But have you ever thought about how much mental agony the entire workforce goes through because of workplace conflicts and toxic culture?
What are the steps leaders taking to make it better?
What is the corresponding loss of productivity because of drop-in motivation arising from unresolved conflicts among people, teams, and departments?
How it is affecting employee's mental health and hence on the performance and well-being.
There are big bully bosses who do not hesitate to make a personal derogatory remark to a teammate in front of ten others.
Their offense gets often overlooked.
The victim lives with a bruised ego helplessly most of the time.
Assume a parent keeps telling his kid “ tere se kuch nehi hoga” ( you are freaking incompetent) every day; what do you think? What will happen to the self-confidence of that person?
I also had multiple bosses who used the phrases as your head will roll, the dagger is dangling on your head, and those occasional cuss words.
Today I can understand that they themselves were not self-assured, grumpy, and hence took that path.
People make fun of how some people look, how some people talk, their sexual identities, etc.
We may have adopted Inclusivity as a compliance norm buy how many Organization practice them in true spirits.
The conflicts in the Organizations among people, groups, teams, departments arising out of the different cultural backgrounds, perceived or real conflicts goals, Interpersonal conflicts, etc., need more attention.
I can understand we can never have an ideal work environment, people of people, but when you bring enough attention to it, that itself the first step to the resolutions.
I never have a designation like Chief Culture Office in an Organization.
Maybe it is the time to introduce one.
May be HR department has to a much better job.
Because “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” as propagated by management Guru Peter Drucker.