Colour of Love

Mukul Kumar Das
1 min readSep 18, 2022


That day you told me

You love me more than you love yourself

And I believed it all

Like the kids believe fairly-tale from their moms

My eyes were moist in elation

Looked at your eyes unblinkingly

And discovered an absolute meaning of living

That moment

Today I laugh silently at myself

How foolish I was

Yet it makes me happy

Because loving foolishly had its charm

The other day

I looked deep at your eyes

Tried to rediscover the then-found meaning

I was heartbroken

I hardly could see myself there

It was only you all over there

I heard you whispering to yourself

I love myself the most

This time I discovered the truth

No one loves others

More than they love themselves

You are fortunate

If you ever experienced once or more

If someone ever said to you

That she loves you more than she does to herself

And you could believe that moment

Soak yourself in that beautiful moment of meaning

Like a sand castle on the shore

As long as it was there, it was beautiful

When it is gone with the wave, you still have memories to cherish

Nobody loves other

More than themselves

Even though they may say so

We all love ourselves first and most

That is why we love others

To complete our love

To fill the void in our heart

To dispel the darkness in our solitary caves

More we love others

We start loving ourselves even more



Mukul Kumar Das

I help People to Grow in their Life & Career || I help Business to Grow